Modern Slavery – Awareness Briefing - virtual

Date & Time:

Wednesday 15 June 2022 (09.45 - 11.30)

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Venue TBC,


Modern slavery is a term that encapsulates human trafficking, slavery, servitude and forced labour. It is a crime where vulnerable people are:

  • Deprived of their freedom because of the actions of another person,
  • Treated as commodities,
  • Exploited for financial gain

You might think that slavery ended with abolition in the 19th century. Yet, there are still millions of men, women and children around the world being forced into slavery. In the UK alone, there is estimated to be around 136,000* people in slavery, with 1 in every 4 of those victims being a child. It can affect anyone, in any industry and in any part of the world.

This Online session will assist with raising your awareness in your professional capacity and personal life.

*Office for National Statistics, March 2020

The objectives are :-

By the end of the session delegates will be able to:

  • Define elements of Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking (MHST)
  • Explain the scale & scope of Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking (MHST)
  • Recognise similarities between Local & National Local Modus Operandi
  • Give examples of MSHT indicators
  • Explain how to raise concerns if a victim is identified.


Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:


Modern Slavery



Louise Judge

Venue Details:

Venue TBC,